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Dyslexia is a common learning disorder found across the world. A child with dyslexia is found to have difficulty in learning to read and write with clear understanding despite normal intelligence. It may also involve difficulty to interpret words, letters and other symbols.

Children with dyslexia may have an average or above average intelligence, but find it difficult to cope with the learning process. This leads to frustration which is usually exhibited in the form of anger.  They may also avoid reading and writing. Dyslexia is a condition which is caused by differences in the way the brain processes information. Genetics also plays a prime role.



The symptoms of dyslexia can be seen early.  Early identification and appropriate intervention can have significant effect on the child’s learning skills. It is the responsibility of parents to be alert and seek professional help as early as possible, if they have concerns on their child’s learning abilities. Some of the common symptoms are:

  • Difficulty in identifying or generating rhyming words.
  • Counting syllables in words.
  • Difficulty in segmenting words.
  • Coordinating sounds to make words etc.

Speech: Dyslexic children are often late talkers. Also many are found to be late responders. This may cause many problems in learning. They are easily distracted by background noises.

Reading Dyslexics often confuse the letters ‘b’ for ‘d’, numbers like ‘6’ for ‘9’, say words backwards ‘tac’ for ‘cat’. This happens as their visual and phonetic memory is extremely weak.

Writing Dyslexics may have writing delay.  As in reading, a child with dyslexia may confuse letters or numbers while writing.

Spelling:  While some dyslexic children are good spellers many others suffer with incorrect spelling. Weak memory and instability with phonics may hinder their ability to spell correctly.

Spatial orientation: The child with dyslexia has confusion in choosing directions – right, left, back or front. Many a times they get lost in a new location or building.


DYSGRAPHIA:       Difficulties in writing (mainly spelling errors)

AUDITORY PROCESSING DISORDER:         Inability to process auditory information

DEVELOPMENTAL CO-ORDINATION DISORDER:        A neurological disability to carry out routine tasks.

ATTENTION DEFICIT DISORDER:      ADHD refers to a pattern of behavioral problems varying from impulsivity, hyperactivity or inattentiveness or a combination of all three.


The first step to deal with dyslexia is early intervention. Observe your child’s language development, observe his/her ability to connect print to language and if you find that the learning skills are poor for his/her appropriate age, do not hesitate to seek professional help. Speech Therapy, Occupational Therapy and Special education may all help your child to perform better at school and home.

SPEECH THERAPIST can help Dyslexic children in improving their communication and language skills.

OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY can help in improving their fine motor skills, visual motor skills, attention and memory skills, play skills etc.

A SPECIAL EDUCATOR can help Dyslexic child to find the best and apt programmes to improve his/her learning skills.   A special educator is a qualified professional who can equip the child achieve his/her academic goals. They impart easy and effective learning methods to the child. Using special teaching methods, they help children to learn even complex subject matters easily and effectively. The special educator uses individualized teaching methods like modeling letters, words in clay etc. depending upon the level and need of a child. Skills are reinforced with regular practice.  Special educator helps in breaking emotional barriers like anxiety, frustration and low confidence. One to one teaching is a better method used to help the dyslexic child improve functionally.


Did you know that?

Thomas Alwa Edison, Tom Cruise, John.F.Kennedy, George Washington , Albert Einstein are some of those who had Dyslexia, but conquered many hearts!

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